投影part 2-三角錐 

    補 充
    Projection of a kite to a square form a point source
    Desargues' theorem (3D) 笛沙格定理:笛沙格 (Desargues)定理說明:在射影空間中,有六點A,B,C,a,b,c。Aa,Bb,Cc共點若且唯若AB∩ab, BC& cap;bc,CA∩ca共線。
    Desargues' theorem-2 (3D)
    Desargues' theorem-3 (3D)
    Monge's theorem (3D)
    Monge's theorem:
    In geometry, Monge's theorem, named after Gaspard Monge, states that for any three circles in a plane, none of which is inside one of the others, the intersection points of each of the three pairs of external tangent lines are collinear.

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